Posted tagged ‘Grand Canyon’

Off to the Grand Canyon

October 19, 2007

We’re off to the bottom of the Grand Canyon for a week of hiking, camping and reflection. Which is just another way of saying that no new entries will be posted for a week. The internet does not reach to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Nor does electricity either, except at Phantom Ranch and we won’t be going there.We hope to spot a California Condor or two, some other interesting birds and no Grand Canyon rattlesnakes.

We’ll be taking a small, light camera and hope to return with a few good photos. But we’re not holding our breath. The Grand Canyon is huge and does not reduce well to two dimensions. Even the eleven dimensions of string theory seem too few to encompass the place and very few photographers can ever hope to do it justice.


A note of sadness: Last week I reviewed the wonderful blog “Fluffytek.” Then came the news that Lin of that blog is suffering from an inoperable brain tumor. Apparently it is not life-threatening; yet anyway. Richard, her husband, angrily weighed in about the disease and the lack of comments extending sympathy and they now – jokingly I hope – say that they only have seven readers left. I took no umbrage and am proud to be number 8 and I hope that every reader of this blog, both of you, will check in on Fluffytek and they will be back up to 10 readers. One of the things I liked about the blog before Lin’s bad news was that it did more than skate along the surface of life. I expect it will go deeper now and be even more rewarding. A sniff of mortality will do that to a person. Especially one like Lin who already was deeper than most. In the Mexico of her Frida Kahlo they say, “Que le vaya bien,” which literally means no more than, “Have a good trip.” But its true meaning is much deeper. It means have a good, rewarding life no matter what is thrown at you and so to Lin and Richard we say, “Que le vaya bien.”