Monument Valley and Ansel Adams

Recently we took a trip to Monument Valley in Arizona and I made what I thought then were some pretty good photos.

But, when I got home I saw this photo of Monument Valley taken by Ansel Adams.


Adams didn’t do much color work because he thought, correctly, that the technical tools did not yet exist for him to express himself the way he could in black and white.  With the advent of digital photography and computers that has changed.  Nevertheless, Adams didn’t do much color photography so I thought there might still be western landscapes that he had not already done and done better than anybody else.  But no, wherever you go, whatever you shoot, Ansel Adams has already been there, signed the guest book, and photographed the place better than anybody else.

So, when I saw this photo, I decided the best thing I do for my camera was put the poor thing out of its misery by taking it out in the backyard and shooting  it. . . .

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